Saturday in the Octave of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


Peter and John were filled with zeal and faith as they stood before the Sanhedrin. They boldly spoke of Jesus Christ, risen from the dead. But shortly before, according to Mark’s gospel, they dismissed the claim of his resurrection by Mary Magdalen and the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Jesus had to appear to them face-to-face before they put their faith in him. According to this version of the events, all of the apostles were doubting Thomases.

We have not seen the risen Lord face-to-face yet we accept the word of his disciples, passed on from generation to generation. How do we take seriously Jesus’ commission to “go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature?” We monks believe that our monastic life, our stability, our common life, and our persistent prayer do just that.

Reflection: How can I, living out my vocation as wife, husband, parent, student, worker, etc., proclaim the Gospel, “using words if necessary,” as St. Francis of Assisi said?

Reflection by Abbot Benedict Neenan, OSB

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