Saturday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


In today’s Gospel, we hear of the Pharisees plotting to put Jesus to death. Jesus does not want to die yet. He “withdrew” because his hour had not yet come. His mission was not yet complete. He had more teaching to do, more people to heal, and more to accomplish in preparing his disciples to continue his gospel of repentance and mercy. “Many people followed him and he cured them all.” (Mt 12:15b)

Jesus is the servant who was chosen. God the Father delights in his Son, his beloved, upon whom he placed his Spirit. Though much of his earthly ministry was to “the lost sheep of Israel,” (cf. Mt 15:24) his ultimate mission was to the entire Gentile world. He charged his disciples with the task of preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth. Jesus appeared to St. Paul and made him his chosen instrument through whom the good news of the kingdom was to be brought to the Gentiles.

The First Readings this week were from the Book of the prophet Isaiah. Today we conclude with a gospel passage that demonstrates that Jesus’ identity and mission were foreshadowed in Isaiah. “He will proclaim justice to the Gentiles…And in his name, the Gentiles will hope.” (cf. Isaiah 42:1-4) That prophecy has now been fulfilled.

For Today: Lord, you have chosen me as your own in Baptism and have placed your Spirit within me. Show me how I am to continue your mission of bringing the Good News to those in my life today.

Reflection by Br. Luke Kral, OSB

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