Saturday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


A Few Loaves and Fish

I love Mark’s Gospel for its matter-of-fact style. We hear it in today’s gospel passage about the feeding of a large crowd. Read it slowly or else you’ll miss it. Did you notice? It doesn’t add up. They had seven loaves and a few fish, but there were about four thousand people. The gospel writer simply states: “They ate and were satisfied.” So, did everyone get a crumb of bread and a scrap of fish? Did that satisfy them? Or maybe the disciples miscounted, or the gospel writer meant the number seven symbolically.

No, four thousand people had bread and fish and were satisfied.

I don’t know which is more miraculous: that four thousand people were fed from a few loaves and fish, or that four thousand people were satisfied. Either way, it is an act of faith: somehow there will be enough, and somehow everybody will be satisfied. From an economic perspective, there’s a dynamic of supply and demand here. From a biblical perspective, there is a sign of divinity and God-like care here. God will feed his people somehow and in some way.

For the Journey:

Let us be mindful of those who are without. Let us pray for those who are in need: hunger, shelter, health care, a meaningful job, a purpose-driven life. And let us give as we can, giving generously when we think we have nothing to offer.

Reflection by Br. Luke Kral, OSB