Saturday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


When Jesus spoke to his disciples, one of the most phrases he repeated most was this simple phrase: “Do not be afraid.” No matter who we are, no matter what our age, or circumstances we feel the power of those words. Fear can take on so many forms coming out of the past or the present. It is so human to hear how the brothers of Joseph began to fear that once their father had died their brother would dig up old memories of hurt and injustice and take revenge upon them. What a beautiful assurance Joseph gave to his family of brothers and relatives telling them not to fear because he could only see how God brought abundant blessings out of weakness of character. Wouldn’t it be a breath of fresh air if families everywhere could gather with that desire to share forgiveness and move to gratitude as they look at the big picture of God’s generosity?

This is not always an easy thing to do when patterns of thought and feelings have become deeply ingrained. And yet, Jesus in the Gospel today seems to be pointing to that very thing. Do not be afraid, he says, to do the difficult but the needed thing. Do not be afraid to speak the truth to the fearful or to the powerful, but do it gently, with the assurance that truth when accepted produces blessings in the big picture.

Imagine the impact on our local and worldwide communities if new voices of truth and reassurance stood up to lead the way to new beginnings toward peace and cooperation!

Reflection: The next time you find yourself in a situation that cries out for your personal word of truth and assurance can you hear the words of Jesus “Do not be afraid?” And then act upon those words?

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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