Saturday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


When God called the Prophet Jeremiah, Jeremiah initially gave the excuse that he is too young. It’s true that God was asking a lot of Jeremiah, but God also gave him the grace and strength that he needed in every situation. Now, he is in a rather tense situation on account of his preaching to the people what the Lord asked him to speak. They are close to putting Jeremiah to death, but he remains firm in delivering the Lord’s message of repentance. He chooses faithfulness to the Lord over the fear.

Fr. Thomas Dubay, in reflecting on the saints, offered this insight: “Saints are weighted down with the same weak human nature we all have, and they experience the same temptations. The difference is that they say a complete Yes to the healing grace God offers to everyone, whereas most of us say “maybe,” or “somewhat,” or “wait a while…not yet.”

It’s common enough for us to say “maybe,” or to present ourselves with excuses (as Jeremiah did at first). But, what God desires is our good will, our willingness to follow—all He wants from us in an honest, simple and loyal heart—with that type of heart God will direct us and lead us.

Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB

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