Saturday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


I was on a retreat recently, and a piece of text stuck out to me. “Do not be afraid of your weakness.” All too often, I let my pride get in the way of prayer. My worries about how I am doing or how others view me can lead to me not being able to see my identity as a child of God through Jesus. We are all called to be children of God and St. Teresa of Avila says, “Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.” We see in today’s Gospel that Jesus wants us to come to Him and allow him to love us and bless us. But our fears and the worry of not being good enough or holy enough hold us back. The disciples are listening to Jesus teach and they let their idea of children messing up His teachings get in the way of the real reason Jesus was there teaching in the first place. To be with us and to love us. Turn to Jesus and know that He loves you as you are and wants you to come to Him, spend time with Him in prayer, and receive Him in the sacraments. He wants us to be like little children running to him with our daily problems so that He can help us. Do not be afraid of your weakness. Turn it over to Jesus.

Reflection by Orion, seminarian