Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


“Master, who is the one who will betray you?” This is asked of Jesus in today’s gospel. The sad truth is that it wasn’t just one person who would betray Jesus, it would be the whole world. Mankind—all of us are responsible for Christ’s death. We betrayed Jesus by our sins.

Tomorrow, we close the season of Easter with Pentecost. These seven weeks of Easter have been a reminder to us of the victory won over these sins by Jesus’ resurrection. We may be closing the Easter season, but we still must proclaim loudly always, that Jesus is Savior of the world. He beat death and sin! Don’t be looking for someone to blame. Instead, be someone that reflects Jesus’ goodness, reflects his love, and reflects his mercy. St. Augustine of Canterbury, pray for us.

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB

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