Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
It is hope that guides us in this Jubilee Year of 2025. As we have journeyed with different saints who gave witness to faith and hope in their personal writings, what I want to do today is introduce you to the person who will impact and inspire your own life of faith the most. YOU. We all are called to holiness and we each have our own personal path to walk to get to Heaven, to come to God. In a powerful interview Pope Benedict XVI gave in the 1990’s, he answered the question about the path to holiness. He was asked by Peter Seewald how many ways there are to God. Pope Benedict, Cardinal Ratzinger at the time, answered that there are as many ways to God as there are people.[6] This answer should not surprise us as Christians because holiness is goodness and how we live it out is particular to our own life experiences.
Another part of this is believing holiness is possible. Matthew Kelly wrote a short and powerful book called The Greatest Lie in the History of Christianity. He wrote that there are many lies that non-Christians say about Christianity. The worst lie that Christians believe about Christianity is that only a few, special, super people can be holy. The truth is more challenging than that. We are all called to holiness. We are meant to be at our best when we respond to this grace. Never forget your great dignity as a son/daughter of God. And your responsibility. May your life be a constant reminder to the World who you are. You are Christian. You are Catholic. You are Christ.
O Mary, Model of Discipleship, Queen of all Saints, pray for us. Amen.
Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB
[6] Salt of The Earth: The Church at the End of the Millennium, Joseph E. Ratzinger, Interviewed by Peter Seewald, Ignatius Press, (1997), Pg. 32.
Posted in Articles for Ordinary Time, Daily Reflections