Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Jesus has been preaching a great deal in parables of late. There are various reasons for him to use parables, even for the purpose of remaining mysterious or confounding those who have no faith. In the case of preaching about the Kingdom, however, you could say that Jesus is limited to using parables because the Kingdom is unlike any other kingdom that has come before. How does one put a new reality into words? Standard descriptions do not suffice.

The entire world is changed by the presence of Jesus. He is God but lowers himself to come among us—to be Emmanuel—and, in doing so, he inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven. It is present when he, the King of kings and Lord of lords, is present, and we are the subjects and citizens of this Kingdom.

Rather than lording his authority over us, though, Jesus allows all of us to choose our allegiance. Those who prefer the world as it is – the pleasures and allurements it offers us in this present life – already have their reward, but those who hope in a better world to come and who endure as the pleasures of this world pass away will know the eternal goodness of the Kingdom of Heaven. Without this free choice, we are all but slaves. In allowing us the freedom to choose him and his Kingdom, Jesus expresses love and friendship with us. It is this love that flourishes even amid the weeds of this world and will bear fruit at the time of the harvest.

Reflection by Fr. Victor Schinstock, OSB

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