Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


“Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.” This theme of hope is present in all of the readings and psalms for this day, which should stand out to us. Hope, one of the theological virtues, is essential in the life of a Christian. It is through hope that we can have faith that the Lord will bring to completion the work that He has begun in us and the world. Through this hope, we can submit our lives to the Lord and always believe that He knows our condition and knows what we need at every given moment.

The current state of our society and world is one filled with preoccupation, worry, and fear about what comes next. But, as the Lord says to the prophet Jeremiah, blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, for he is like a tree planted near the stream that shows no distress in times of drought and uncertainty. In these moments of uncertainty and worry, we ought to reflect upon the times in our lives where the Lord has led us by the hand through the midst of darkness and worry. We often do not realize that the Lord has cared for us until after some period of darkness, but His love has never left us. Therefore, let us place our hope in the Lord, trusting that He will always provide for us and our needs, never leaving us to our own devices. He is always loving us and guiding us as we continue to live in accord with His divine will.

Reflection by Dominick, seminarian

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