Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Today’s readings and psalm powerfully communicate that while we get caught up in this world by sin and wickedness, God constantly pursues us with love and the promise of salvation. In today’s first reading, we hear of the brutal, painful quality of life someone with leprosy endured as an Israelite in the Old Testament. This acts as a very striking image of the state of our hearts while we are entrenched in sinfulness. Sin isolates us from God and others. It is a self-induced state of agony and loneliness that causes our hearts to scream “unclean, unclean!” We, however, were never made for separation and isolation.

The Gospel reminds us that, no matter what sins we have committed, Christ is the Divine Healer who will always say, “Be made clean” to those who approach Him humbly. We encounter God’s love and healing mercy, especially in the sacraments of confession and the Eucharist. The nature of this encounter transforms us, like the leper in the Gospel, in such a way that we cannot stay quiet about it. We share this message of hope with others so that everyone may encounter the reality of God’s mercy and healing. We cannot help but be filled with the Holy Spirit and cry out in gratitude with the psalmist, “I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.”

St. Paul urges us to “do everything for the glory of God” and “avoid giving offense.” In other words, the two greatest commandments: love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself. This is our true calling as beloved sons and daughters of an Almighty and Loving Father. He pursues us as we run from Him and catches us when we fall. May we constantly live in the reality of God’s great love and mercy for us, His beloved children!

Reflection by Nathaniel, seminarian

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