Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Today's Mass Readings


In the Gospel today, we hear “Anyone who tries to preserve his life will lose it; and anyone who loses it will keep it safe.” This is an example and a reminder of how we need to depend on Christ. When we depend on ourselves and try to become independent, we lose sight of the “need of God.” As some of my friends in the secular world would say, “Why do we need God if we can do it ourselves.” This is wrong, we can do nothing without God. That goal you scored in a soccer game, that warm, delicious peach cobbler you made, the metaphysics paper you wrote for class… we were not able to do these great things if God did not allow us to have these gifts.

We should give thanks to God that He gave us gifts and we use those gifts to glorify Him in everything we do. This is also a call to humility. When we humble ourselves to God, He is able to help us grow in different virtues that we were not able if we did it ourselves. It is crucial to remember to be dependent on God in times of trouble, but we also need to strive to remember that God, with his love and mercy, will watch over us all the time.

Reflection by Henry, seminarian

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