Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today's Mass Readings


In today’s Gospel, we hear some of Scripture’s most profound and influential words from Mary. She expresses her deep gratitude for God’s presence and generosity with her declaration: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Mary’s words celebrate God’s majesty and omnipotence, recognizing Him as the source of all blessings. Her soul acts as a magnifying glass, making God’s greatness even more evident.

We are called to emulate Mary’s example by acknowledging and magnifying God’s greatness in our lives. Even amidst life’s challenges, we can celebrate God’s glory by fostering a spirit of gratitude and praise. Mary’s hymn, the Magnificat, serves as a model for deepening our relationship with God, encouraging worship and adoration. It is a living prayer that inspires and guides us, inviting God’s greatness into our lives.

By participating in the Church’s sacraments, prayer, and acts of charity, we join Mary in reflecting God’s greatness. Every act of love and service mirrors the Magnificat’s call to proclaim God’s goodness.

Let us embrace Mary’s words, allowing our souls to reflect the greatness of the Lord. Inspired by her faith and humility, may we recognize and share God’s greatness in all aspects of our lives. May the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us and help us mirror His glory in our lives.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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