Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

Today's Mass Readings



As we finish the Octave of Christmas, we face a roller coaster of emotion. We have experienced the joy of the coming of Christ, the horror of the slaughter of innocence, and the comfort of John the Evangelist. In the face of such strong emotions and experiences, it is easy to get overwhelmed and doubt God’s presence in our lives. How can we celebrate the coming of Christ and the slaughter of children? How can we rejoice while people suffer so greatly—while I suffer so greatly?

There is no easy answer to the problem of suffering; even if there was, it often doesn’t make it easier. However, today, as we celebrate Mary, Mother of God, we reflect on the importance of Mary’s attitude to the surprises and struggles of life, “and Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.”

This reflection of Mary was an act of faith and hope. It was not shying away from the challenge of life. It was not a rejection of her sacred call; no, it was a deep willingness to choose, despite the difficulty, the path set before her.

Each of us has a choice, not always to have this or that life, but how to respond to what has been given to us. In that choice, we find our freedom; we find peace. As we struggle through the various ups and downs, we are called to ponder all of it in our hearts, confident that God hears our cries and desires to rejoice in our victories.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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