Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
I remember in grade school, I was always picky about my artwork. Whenever we had to cut out any kind of shape from construction paper, I always wanted my shapes to look perfect. I hated cutting out circles, I could never get a perfectly shaped circle. Even when I creased the paper, folded it in half, and cut out a half-circle. When I opened it up, it looked like an oval! There was one shape though that always came out perfect. When I had to cut out a heart from construction paper, I’d fold the paper in half, cut out half a heart, and when I opened the folded paper, the heart always came out perfect, ALWAYS!
A perfect heart, brothers and sisters, is what we celebrate today. It is the most perfect heart, which came to this world born in a manger. It is the most perfect heart that helped the poor. It is the most perfect heart that forgave the sinner. It is the most perfect heart that fed a hungry people. And it is the most perfect heart that loved his people so much that he offered his life for the many. This most perfect heart has NO imperfections. It was, is, and will be everything that a people need to feel God’s presence and love. Dominun Cor Jesu Protego Nos.
Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB
Posted in Articles for Ordinary Time, Daily Reflections