Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today's Mass Readings


I was once asked, “Why does Jesus love us?” The question seemed to be coming from a place of deep longing. This person knew too well that he was a sinner and had painfully rejected God in various moments of life. It seemed unfathomable to him that God still loved him because of his actions and beliefs. Others rejected him, and he desperately wanted to know that someone loved him.

At times, we all have to be reminded that Jesus loves us completely, unreservedly, and irrevocably and that it makes no sense. We have rejected him through our sins, yet he still pursues us. This solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us of this truth and confronts our doubts. We need to face that part of our lives that doesn’t let ourselves be loved by Jesus. To be loved by Jesus in his Sacred Heart means that we risk being changed, letting go of our worries, pains, sins, and fears. Allowing ourselves to be loved means accepting; maybe I am not lost, I am worth fighting for, and life is worth living.

We can resist his love, but his love grows for us the more we need to be loved, comforted, and forgiven. I challenge you to be loved by Jesus, be transformed by him, and know, despite our feelings of unworthiness, Jesus always and forever loves you.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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