The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
I spent three years serving a parish in Oklahoma City, and I got to know many people. One person I got to know very well recently passed. I thought of him today as we celebrate this feast of Corpus Christi. When I first met this friend at the parish, he came up to me and asked for a time to meet and chat. I told him that I would look in my calendar for a time for him to come to my office for a meeting. He said no! He wanted to chat over lunch. It was at a table with a meal, that my buddy felt more comfortable and at ease. At the table, over lunch, he reflected and was very honest. He shared with me his life, his challenges, and his hopes for his future. All of this reflection and conversation was done at a table. My buddy and I would have many, many lunches together during my time in Oklahoma City.
As I mentioned, I thought of these lunches with him in light of today’s celebration. Why? Because today, brothers and sisters, we are invited to a table. It is the table of the Lord. And at this table, we are to honestly reflect on our lives, our challenges, and our hopes, all at the table before the Lord. But there’s something bigger here. At this table, we are given the Lord’s body and blood. Yes, the body and blood offered up in satisfaction for our sins are given to us at the table. His body and blood in Holy Communion are lifegiving. The Holy Eucharist is food for the soul, and it connects us with our God.
On this feast of Corpus Christi, make it a point to pray and reflect on what the Holy Eucharist does for you. And what it means for you every time that you are invited to that table with the Lord. Reflection written in memory of my lunch buddy, RIP.
Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB
Posted in Articles for Ordinary Time, Daily Reflections