Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


“Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury.” Jesus is giving us a very important message in today’s readings. It is a message of trust and gift of self. Complete trust includes death to self.

In the first reading, we hear Elijah ask the widow for a piece of bread. She only had enough for one meal before starving to death. Through the prophet the Lord asked her to trust in Him, and He provided for her because of her obedience. The psalm speaks about God proving and sustaining His people. Similarly, in the second reading, Jesus shows complete trust in following His Father’s will. We are saved because of Christ’s complete gift of His life for us.

The Gospel speaks of a very sad truth. There are those who make their religious acts public to receive praise from others. The widow in the Gospel, very similar to the widow in the first reading, gives to the Lord from the only thing she has. No matter how little, God asks that we turn everything over to Him. She did that. On the contrary, the rich people gave what they had left over. This is why we heard a couple of weeks ago that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven. It does not mean that everyone should be materially poor but that we should be spiritually poor. This implies detachment from earthly goods and complete dependence on God, which implies trust.

God is good! God is love! God is all for you! But you have to be willing to give everything, no matter how small, over to Him.

Reflection by Jesús, seminarian