Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


I can’t help but think that Joseph enjoyed (a little too much, perhaps) “torturing” his brothers, but I may be projecting. When he realized how much they loved their father and their youngest brother, however, the genuineness of his love for his entire family was undeniable. With wise eyes, he saw the hand of God in his life. Through grace and humility, reconciliation with those who sought to harm him was possible.

Egypt ended up being Joseph’s school for the Lord’s service. The challenges and successes he experienced taught him important life lessons. Clinging to regret and revenge does not benefit anyone. Placing the good of others before oneself can be life-giving and can literally work wonders.

The apostles’ school for the Lord’s service was—well—the Lord. At this point, the lesson was simple: without cost you have received, without cost you are to give. Since we have the advantage of knowing how the lives of the apostles ended, it is obvious that Jesus had much more intense material to teach. However, this is a good place for students to begin.

Reflection by Br. Jacob Kubajak, OSB

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