Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Today's Mass Readings


Today’s first reading is a great example of how we should interact with our fallen world. The people of Israel had turned away from God, made a molten calf, and begun to worship it. Because of this, God’s anger rose up, and He was going to destroy them and promised Moses that he would make of him a great nation. But Moses did not desire the glory promised him by the LORD rather he had compassion for the people even though they betrayed him and turned away from LORD that had led them out of Egypt with many great signs and wonders. Moses then boldly pleaded before God, and through his prayer, the LORD relented in the punishment he had threatened.

Are we as bold as Moses? When we are betrayed, can we turn away from anger and embrace compassion? Can we plead with God for those we feel are persecuting us or have turned away from God and are worshipping their Molten Calves? Does our love outweigh our anger, our resentments, and our fears? We must love one another as Christ Loves us and must die to our selfish pride and desire not to be the one who is right or the one who is to be glorified. We must, like Moses, plead to God for all of humanity. When we are betrayed, hurt, spat upon, denied, or persecuted, we must pray for them and become for them a burning and shining lamp of compassion and love.

Reflection by Br. Placid Dale, OSB

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