Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


“Success is within your reach if you want it!” This is often the message of the self-assured 18-year-old high school valedictorian as he or she exhorts their graduating class. What is success? Is it the talented athlete or the business executive signing the multi-million dollar contract? Some would say you’ve found success when it’s verified by dollar signs and comfortable security. This concept of success is very different from that found in our liturgical readings for today.

For the person of faith, the true meaning of success is intimately connected to our spiritual life. The heart of success is an essential relationship with the person of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God through the power of His Holy Spirit. How does that relationship play out?

The words from the Letter to the Hebrews assures us that Jesus as High Priest gathers our self-offering into His perfect worship of His Father. He lifts us up as we deal with our sufferings. We find the same movement in the physical movement of the people crowding around Jesus. When people approached him in sincere faith wonderful things happened. Miracles happened and the power of evil was conquered. But Jesus also taught them that a true relationship with Him meant that personal success, no matter what the circumstances, was based on interior transformation of the heart. This allows every person to respond to the truth of being chosen. In Christ everybody becomes a somebody.

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB