Thursday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


On Monday, we heard Jesus teach the Beatitudes as a new law and way of living. The Beatitudes challenge us to live differently. Today we hear Jesus challenging us, once again, to live differently than how the world expects us to do so. He tells us that even those who are angry with his brother are liable to judgment, that is, to punishment and “to fiery Gehenna.” Instead, we are called to go and make peace with our brother. These are strong words. They are challenging words.

His words should remind us that he teaches us to be peacemakers, to live as he did. Reflecting on the beatitude of being a peacemaker, what is Jesus calling us to consider? How do you lead your life? Do you let ambition or fear, or anger lead you? Or do you let peace guide your decisions for yourself and others? Peacemakers are not leaders and rulers; peace leads and rules the one seeking Christ. The peace that Christ offers is one of sacrifice and forgiveness.

Repeating what I said Monday, remember that the Christian life is demanding, for we must follow Christ to Calvary. We must give ourselves as a sacrifice of peace and of thanksgiving so that we may become holy as the Father is holy.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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