Thursday of the Third Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


“This is the night that even now, throughout the World, sets Christian believers apart from worldly vices and from the gloom of sin, leading them to grace.” Exultet, lines 28-29

To be a Christian believer means to be set apart. Consecrated entirely for the Lord. We find this in today’s reading from Acts. Philip encounters an Ethiopian Eunuch who is reading scripture. Here Philip evangelizes someone who is spiritually open and in need of instruction. This whole event is a Holy Spirit-led encounter. The Eunuch was reading from the prophet Isaiah. Philip, inspired by the Holy Spirit, opens the scripture for him. Then Philip baptizes him at his request. This story is beautiful because it shows us how one came to conversion through an authentic encounter. Philip became the instrument by which God worked to bring this man into a new life.

Baptism does this for the Christian. It sets somebody apart from the world. A Christian is in the world and fully acting in it; yet, paradoxically, not belonging to it. This blessed sacrament also works to set one apart from sin and leads them to grace. We renew our vows of Baptism every year so that we never lose sight of our belonging to God.

For today, simply focus on what it means to be a Baptized member of the Body of Christ. How often do you realize how great a gift it is? How much do you appreciate your baptism? Give thanks for it. Amen.

Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB

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