Thursday of the Third Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


Hitchhiking is rare these days. Years ago, in less dangerous times it was common to “hitch” or “thumb” a ride. Many times that brief chance encounter resulted in a powerful memory either for the driver or the passenger. We can delight in the story of the Ethiopian eunuch who just happened to be passing by needing help when the Apostle Philip just happened to be directed by the Spirit to run after the chariot (probably at a leisurely speed for reading) and offered to help. Philip brought a transforming experience to a stranger.

The story provides us with food for thought as we remember so many chance encounters in our life when an apparent stranger helped us to see our life and its future in a totally new way. There is a surprise element that perhaps shocks us into deeper thought and commitment.

Jesus is teaching the people in the Gospel today, and us of course, that God takes the initiative in calling each person to a closer and loving relationship. Jesus is the one doing his Father’s will and having taken on our human nature can contact us in our human experience. Can we dare to imagine that it is Jesus “who chases after us” in an act of unconditional love and humility? And can we further imagine, that once we have slowed down and opened our hearts to the Lord Jesus, He becomes our living bread to be absorbed and encourages us to follow the Father’s will?

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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