Thursday of the Third Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


The Holy Spirit will lead us to people and places that we never expected. Philip followed the promptings of the Holy Spirit and was led to the encounter with the Ethiopian Eunuch. At this time, the followers of Jesus had not yet expanded beyond the Jewish people, and the Spirit takes this opportunity to open the gift of Salvation to non-Jewish believers. Not only was this person a foreigner who did not practice Judaism, but he was a eunuch, a practice that was forbidden to the Jewish religion. None of this prevents the Spirit, however, from leading Philip to the Ethiopian, who shares with him the Good News of Jesus and welcomes him into the Faith through Baptism.

If we, too, open ourselves to the Holy Spirit in order to fulfill the will of God and be faithful disciples of Jesus, we will find ourselves among those we did not expect and in situations we could not anticipate. It will be frightening because it draws us away from what is comfortable, but it will also be exciting because we will see how God performs marvelous works in unexpected ways and through unexpected people. The fruit of being obedient to the Spirit, however, will invigorate our faith and bring about great goodness for the Church and the world.

Reflection by Fr. Victor Schinstock, OSB

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