Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Last Wednesday, Jesus warned the people not to listen to false prophets, that they would be known by their fruit. Bad prophets will produce bad fruit, and good prophets will produce good fruits. Today’s readings provide evidence of what that looks like.

In the first reading, Amos responds to Amaziah’s attack by saying to him, “you preach good things, blessings, and protection even though you live against God’s commands! No, destruction is coming unless you repent.” Amaziah’s prophecy comes to nothing, and it is bad fruit because his words lead only to more idolatry. Amos’ words bear good fruit since it is true.

Jesus in the Gospel is being accused of blasphemy because he is saying he can forgive sins. To show his words are true, Jesus provides good fruit by healing the crippled man. The scribes could only watch and brood in anger, eventually producing bad fruit because they conspired to put Jesus to death.

Pay attention to those who propose truth; do they produce good fruit? Do they provide peace, joy, self-control, courage, and other virtue? If so, follow them. If not, reject them. Remember, by their fruit will men and women will be known for their love of Christ.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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