Tuesday after Epiphany

Today's Mass Readings


In today’s gospel, notice how we are both fed by Jesus and are called to feed those in need. Jesus sees the vast crowds coming to see him and his divine heart is move to piety for them because he knows their desire for the word of God and that they are seeking a good shepherd to guide them. We to must come to Jesus and offer our desire to have someone shepherd us. We know we cannot persevere on our journey of faith without a shepherd to guide us—a shepherd who will fend off the wolves of evil and lead us to safe pastures in which we will be nourished by his divine word of Love.

As we enter into his sheepfold, Christ calls us, as he did with the apostles, to live by his example and to have pity for our brothers and sisters who are hungry. The apostles recognize that it is getting late and there is no food for the crowd in that deserted place. Instead of dismissing the people, who desired to be with Jesus, he commissions the apostles to, “give them some food yourselves.” They doubted that what they had would be enough but it turned out to be an overabundance. When Christ is calling us to feed our brothers and sisters, either bodily or spiritually, do we doubt the gifts that God has given us? Do we say, “I am not enough?” We must trust that we not only have enough to feed them but that, though God’s love and grace, we too can give in overabundance.

Reflection by Br. Placid Dale, OSB