Tuesday in the Octave of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


When the people heard what Peter told them about Jesus and the Resurrection, they were frightened because they had not believed in the Lord. Some of them may even have been among the crowds who shouted for him to be crucified. Peter assures them, though, that the promise of salvation is still available to them if they will repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus. This is the message of the Resurrection: Jesus has overcome death so that we might also one day be raised to life with him, if we but believe in him and leave our life of sin behind.

None of us are perfect. We all have sinned in choosing to put things before God, be they possessions, pride, hatred, lust, or any of the many other temptations in this life. Jesus Christ, however, does not give up on us but waits for us to forsake these worldly desires and turn to him with our whole heart. Last week we heard of the suffering that Jesus accepted in his Passion—all for our sake—so we know that he has the patience to wait for us to return and that he will not forsake us even though we falter and stray. He did not accept death just to give up on us.

Let us, then, not give up on each other, either. Each of us has neighbors and loved ones who have strayed from faith in the Lord Jesus. Some of them may even seem lost beyond the hope of return, but that is not the way of the Lord. As he hung on the cross, he prayed to the Father to forgive those who were executing him, for they knew not what they were doing. No one is beyond hope. Pray for those who have strayed, and pray for one another to continue in our constant conversion to Christ, and God will hear our prayers and grant us all the grace to repent and turn to him with our whole heart.

Reflection by Fr. Victor Schinstock, OSB

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