Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Back to Basics

This week at Mass, we hear from the first chapters of the Book of Genesis. In a simple and poetic way, the creation story tells of God creating the fundamental things of our visible world in an orderly sequence. For all the scientific discoveries and research done to understand creation, we are still baffled by our own existence. The biblical saying still rings true: we are made in the image and likeness of God.

In today’s Gospel, we hear that religious leaders from Jerusalem come to see Jesus. They discover that he and his disciples are not observing the tradition of the elders in regard to relatively minor details. In reply, Jesus points out the rules and allowances that have been added on to the Law of Moses. The example Jesus gives, about the commandment to honor one’s parents, is nullified by the abuse of a human tradition.

Let’s keep it simple. We tend to add on, make it complicated, mess it up. With every invention and convenience, there is a trade-off for sophistication and specialization. With every policy and procedure written, there is an increase of complexity and possibility of transgression.

God created the universe. God created you. God loves you. Love God in return. Love your neighbor, whom God created. Love creation, God’s handiwork and our common home. What more is there to say?

For the Journey:

What may you be complicating in your life or in your work? How could you get back to the basics of following Jesus?

Reflection by Br. Luke Kral, OSB