Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings

Over the last few days, we have had the opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ summons to live a radical life of obedience and charitable service. The readings today continue that theme, but this time with an emphasis on gratitude. Our responsorial psalm reveals another necessary attitude that of appreciation: “Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD, and let your faithful ones bless you.”   

All of us (and I include me most, especially here) find it easy to fall into the trap that we deserve, by the grace of our existence, certain gifts, or conveniences. Undoubtedly, hard work and dedication have accompanied with it certain rewards and benefits, which we can enjoy, maybe even expect, however, even that must be tempered by reality.

Our very life, with its joys, benefits, and graces (and yes, even living with all its hardships), is first and foremost a gift. None of us has the power to bring ourselves into existence, and each of us, if we enjoy admitting it or not, is free from guilt in rejecting that gift. Each moment is marked by God’s continued gift of life to us. None of joys, successes, or rewards of hard work can be separated from their first source, God. Without God’s first gift, we would have nothing; we would be nothing.

Have you been truly grateful for the numerous gifts of your life? How so? Do you praise God in your heart and to others? Do you use the gifts God has given you to its full potential and power? Maybe try writing down each day, a few things you are grateful for, and at the end of a week look back and see God’s grace working so powerfully in your life.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB