Tuesday of the First Week of Lent

Today's Mass Readings


It would seem that the format for making a promise in times past was a bit more formal than today. It was common for people to say “I give you my word,” or “my word is my bond.” Today, the most likely setting for those words is in the sacrament of marriage where the very sacrament itself is contained in the exchange of those words of personal promise. In our computerized world, perhaps sharing our password with someone comes as close to that level of intimacy and trust. We don’t share our passwords with just anyone.

Our liturgical readings provide a beautiful framework for appreciating the creative and life-giving power of God’s Word, which is intended for our personal good. It also implies how we in turn should respond to that gift. We instinctively treasure and trust the word of a friend given to us in love and confidence. How much more should we reverence the life-giving Word of God!

We are taught the correct response to God’s Word in the Gospel today. Jesus himself gives us the encouragement in which we dare, of all things, to call upon God as Our Father. Jesus teaches us that this awesome and intimate Word entrusted to us is meant to be fruitful with genuine compassion and productive in mutual forgiveness. This is the Word that returns to God Our Father as our human echo enriched and resounding off the peaks and canyons of our world today.

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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