Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Today’s liturgical readings present a feast for those who love multitasking and sorting out plots and subplots. Rather than getting lost in details, it’s far better to ask the Holy Spirit to touch us and show us the insight meant for us.

We begin by hearing of an exhausted messenger coming to King David to deliver what he thought would be good news. He blurted out that Absalom, King David’s son who had defied his father and divided the country, was dead. That jolting news sent David into a spiral of sadness and grief which only a parent could know. No amount of human disappointment can replace a parent’s basic feelings for their own child. When was the last time you were amazed by the depth of a parent’s unending compassion? How did that affect you?

We find that same compassion and sensitivity in today’s Gospel. It’s a story within a story. We have a father humbly asking Jesus to come to his home and cure his dying daughter. But then in a nonverbal way, Jesus senses a faith-filled request. It comes from a nameless woman lost in the crowd. Her faith and determination single her out, giving her an identity and a relationship. She chooses to reach out and touch the very source of divine compassion.

We believe that Jesus is the revealed fullness of the Father’s love. We believe that He chooses to be available to us. Do we dare to choose and reach out even in a crowd with the faith of this woman?

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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