Tuesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


What does it mean to be like children before God? A great image that helps capture this truth is watching children play. They are fascinated by everything. Everything around them excites imagination, new possibilities, and a willingness to take risks. Children in good homes know they are cared for and loved and find joy in everything.

Can this be us? Can we find in ourselves the same joy once again? We cannot forego the responsibilities and seriousness that accompany adulthood, but Jesus is imploring us to not become so cynical and sinful that we can no longer engage with and appreciate God’s creation through the innocent, trusting, and joyful eyes of a child.

I hope today you notice the smile, hear the laughter, or feel the joy of a child. Let these moments remind you that Jesus has not only given you permission but invited you to share in that joy.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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