Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent

Today's Mass Readings


“Mostly” doesn’t cut it, not in God’s eyes. Jesus gives this image of a sheep that strayed away from the flock and got lost. The shepherd went looking for this lost sheep and with great joy found it. Out of 100 sheep, ONE went missing! There may be some who may believe that it’s not worth going after one lost sheep, that having all the others was sufficient enough. Their argument might be, “we’ve got most of them, we don’t have time to get the lost one.” This isn’t the way God thinks. A sufficient number for God is ALL. He wants ALL his sheep, rather, all his people in his fold, even those ones who have wondered off, whether on accident or on purpose. And as persons who take on the Christian name, we should have the same want and goal as God, to bring all into his fold. Mostly doesn’t cut it, he wants all. Our Lady of Loreto, pray for us.

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB