Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Jesus’ mother and his brothers arrive. “Brothers” is referring to close relatives, most likely cousins. But, Jesus responds in a way that might initially strike us as harsh. Is Jesus denying or excluding his own family, especially His mother, Mary? But, who did the will of Father better than the Blessed Virgin Mary? Mary lived out a continual “yes” to God’s plan and is first among the saints in her obedience and humility.

Rather than “excluding,” Jesus is “including” others into this special relationship, those who “do the will of my heavenly Father.” Jesus is closest to those who are united to His heart, and if we desire God’s will, we are received, in a certain way, into the family of Jesus.

It is something of the experience I have as a priest. I have been welcomed into the homes and enjoy the friendship of many families—and, it’s such a great blessing! We are united closely with those who share our values, our hopes, and our faith. Faith in Jesus unites us beautifully, for Jesus welcomes us as brothers and sisters.

Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB

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