Tuesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


In today’s Gospel, Jesus and the disciples are on a boat, a storm comes out of nowhere, and the disciples become worried and terrified of capsizing. But Jesus is asleep while the storm begins. When the disciples awaken Jesus, pleading for His help, he again calmly wakes up and rebukes the storm, which immediately dissipates. This shows His power over even the wind and unforgiving sea.

An image I’d like to bring out is the storm in the sea, a storm of disruption, causing the disciples anxiety and fear and losing their peace of heart with Jesus, who is true God and true man. The disciples know their end goal and course through the sea, but when the storm hits, they lose sight and begin to panic, calling upon Jesus to help them. Jesus is quick to answer their plea and calms the storm. This image shows that as Jesus slept at the front of the boat, He did not fear, for He knew where the boat was going even though no course of direction was visible.

When the storm of disruption passes us in our lives, Christ does the same for us. He is near, at peace within our hearts, and when we call upon His help, He is quick to calm the storm or to calm us. This image can help us to take heart during times when the waves of disruption are raging high, and no course through it is visible, and rest with our Lord in your heart. This can be an invitation to rely more on Jesus, that He will either calm the storm or carry us through it. As long as we keep our gaze on Him, our fears can be calmed. It can also help us to gain a deepening of trust in His guidance through these times. The Good Lord is just, and in His justice, He will lead you and protect you.

Reflection by Brett, seminarian

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