Tuesday of the Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Where is wisdom to be found? What exactly is wisdom? The dictionary defines it as accumulated philosophic or scientific learning/knowledge; insight; good sense; sound judgment. It is something acquired over time. It is the good judgment that flows from reflection.

For us, the wisdom we seek leads us closer to God. This is an insight into spiritual matters that contribute to our growth in holiness. We believe that reflection on God’s word, in Scripture, is a source of this wisdom, teaching us God’s ways. And the Lord’s way is such that it can direct our entire lives. The Scriptures contain a certain wisdom that leads us to God and the life of the kingdom.

The reading from proverbs, though short and sweet, says much. It describes the attitude which we need to acquire the wisdom of God. First, we need to be receptive, open, and even docile in God’s hands. “Like a stream is the king’s heart in the hand of the lord; wherever it pleases him he directs it.” We need to allow the Lord to reach into our hearts and direct us.

How do we discover the ways of the Lord? One way is through prayer, by meditating on the Word of God, and then assisting others. In the gospel, Jesus states that they are brother and sister and mother to me, those who hear the word of God and act upon it. God’s word is directed to everyone. The seed of God is sown in all hearts. Those who bear fruit in following the gospel, in good deeds, are worthy of our imitation. All who accept the Word and let it take hold of them are being transformed by it, thus becoming disciples of the Lord.

Let us pray for wisdom to be open to the inspiration of the Spirit and to imitate the good example of our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Reflection by Fr. Peter Ullrich, OSB