Tuesday of the Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Yesterday, St. Paul condemned the divisions within the community in Corinth. Today, he glories in its diversity.

More milk, please . . .

Paul compares the Church to something his audience knows well – their bodies. Feet, hands, ears, eyes, nose. Each can be identified; each has a unique purpose. Each is usually taken for granted, until “something happens”. At that point, the contribution of each to the well being of the person is dearly missed.

Likewise, the Church is the body of Christ (unified), with many diverse (not divided) members who contribute uniquely to its well-being. Baptism into this body is accomplished through the one Spirit.

The joys and challenges of this unified diversity are not to be glossed over. If a person never graduates to solid food (reaches a certain maturity), he or she will probably seek separation (division).

Let us pray with and for one another.

Reflection by Br. Jacob Kubajak, OSB