Tuesday of the Twenty-Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


When we feel pulled towards a person, there is a reason. Some people just have a certain magnetism. A special character that invites us towards them. We are pulled toward them without any fear or coercion. They just have a halo effect where we admire something about them and want to follow after them. With Jesus and Mary and Martha, we see this. Jesus came to know them well. They welcomed him into their home. Martha worked hard to prepare for his visit, and Mary now sits at his feet, listening deeply to all he had to teach her. Jesus said to Martha, there is only need of one thing. I invite you to do lectio over this scene, listening at the feet of the master.

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, Friends of Jesus, pray for us. Amen.

Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB