Wednesday in the Octave of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


One of the things I usually say to a penitent after confession is when they sin again, not to wait a long time before they go to confession again. I say this on purpose because I think when we let these wrongs, these sins stay in us, they can erode our souls, they can weigh us down, they can cause doubt in our faith, and they can make us blind. And then, we are just swimming in our misery. This can make one hopeless, it can make one feel worthless.

I believe this is happening with these two disciples of Christ on their walk to Emmaus. They’ve just witnessed the rise and fall of their leader. Everything they dreamed of happening with Jesus the Christ, is now over. They walk to Emmaus hopeless, beaten, and with surrendered hearts. They’ve lost the battle…so they think. The Truth is walking right beside them! But because of their state of despair, they can’t see the Truth. Friends, the state of our souls affects our view and faith. Remove those things that cause the shut down, and bring in the Word that brings new life! He is risen! Alleluia!

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB

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