Wednesday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Today we hear the famous account of Elijah handing over his role as prophet to his disciple, Elisha. The young man is frightened by the thought of his master’s departure. As a flaming chariot suddenly appears and transports Elijah up to heaven, Elisha is left alone and he cries out in terror: “My father, my father!” That could be our reaction when we face moments of significant change in our lives: the sudden loss of a loved one, the beginning of a new job or taking on an unfamiliar responsibility. In those moments of self-doubt or disquiet we turn to God, our loving Father for the strength to move forward. Elisha approaches the Jordan and cries out “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” The waters divide, and he crosses over in safety. Our responsorial refrain voices our assurance of God’s continuing help and protection: “Let your hearts take comfort, all who hope in the Lord” (Ps 31:25). And further in the psalm we read: “How great is the goodness, O Lord, which you have in store for…those who take refuge in you” (Ps 31:20).

The gospel from St. Matthew addresses the proper attitude toward religious practices. Almsgiving, prayer and fasting are all are to be done in secret rather than in elaborate public display for the sake of appearance. “When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you…When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites…When you fast, do not look gloomy…” (Mt 6:2, 5, 16). Each of the three statements ends with the phrase “And your Father who sees in secret [or what is hidden] will repay you.” “Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” He is to be found in the inner room of our hearts. Like St. Romuald, founder of the Camaldolese Order of monastic hermits, we enter this secret chamber in silence, and it is here that we seek Him in sincerity, humility and total trust.

Reflection by Br. Michael Marcotte, OSB

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