Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


A Refutation of Moral Relativism by Peter Kreef

We live in a time where objective truth is not recognized, and time-honored values are usurped by individual autonomy. In other words, we live in a time where too many people want to be their own gods without any rules or responsibilities. This book here was prophetic in anticipating this. Peter Kreeft is a master author and I endorse all of his books. I recommend you read this book first because it does a good job of addressing cultural problems in the West and laying groundwork for a Catholic moral and philosophical understanding to address this relativism in culture.

Today’s Gospel sheds light on why we must stand for the truth. Cultures change and people change, but truth is not something decided by popular opinion or preference. Jesus declared that what “comes from within” is what defiles. Our human nature is flawed and can easily go astray from within. All evils that hurt humanity come “from within and they defile.” Jesus calls us to live in the truth always. We need to purify our hearts by living in the truth. Jesus came to win our hearts for the truth, and this is the invitation we have in living out our Catholic identity. Amen.

Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB

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