Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings

I want you to notice something vitally important in the first reading today: honest argument. While we will not hear the rest of the scene presented (I encourage you to read the rest of it), a remarkable thing happens: the Church, split in its understanding of what it takes to be a true Christian, argues, listens, and then decides. In the end, the two groups, under the leadership and decision of Peter, reconcile and move on, even after Peter’s perspective was challenged.

Life frequently throws at us uneasy questions, questions that challenge our presumptions about faith and reality. They touch on deeply held convictions and hopes: much like Mosaic law for the Jews and its relationship with Christianity with its new law. The early Church was able to navigate such difficult questions because they were unafraid to be honest with one another but used an honesty touched by a genuine love for each other and the truth. Then, in the end, accept that truth.

We must be the same. Within our own families, communities, and even in the Church, we must be willing to have a loving honesty about the complexities of our hopes and convictions, even if they challenge those above us. Yes, the same must be true for the other as well. Then, in the end, accept the truth.

How are you being challenged to speak up, with loving honesty, about issues surrounding your life? Are you speaking up and doing so with honesty and a willingness to accept the truth? Are you being challenged? Are you willing to listen, with humility, the hopes and challenges of others, and be changed by them?

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB