Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Mass Readings


Jesus says: “The truth will set you free.” In response, the Jew said, “We…have never been enslaved by anyone.” I imagine that many people in today’s world would believe that they are free and not enslaved by anyone or anything.

But, what is freedom, and what does it look like? Freedom is not doing whatever pleases us. It isn’t to choose or do whatever I think or feel. True Freedom is the freedom to choose the good and do what we ought to do in the sight of God.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego demonstrate true freedom because even under intense pressure and the threat of death, they still choose the good, which is to serve and worship the One True God. Fear and threats do not dissuade them from the convictions they hold in their hearts. Furthermore, they permit God to be free in choosing whether or not to spare them—whatever happens, they still choose to glorify God.

Many of us find ourselves enslaved by what other people think about us, and we can feel pressured to act in a way that is popular, fashionable, or pleases those around us, even if that choice doesn’t reflect what we know in our hearts we ought to choose. When we are trapped by worry and concern about ‘what others think,’ it can be very emotionally draining and tiresome.

It’s worth reflecting on what ‘enslaves’ us. Is it fear, doubt, preoccupations with what others might think, jealousy…comparison? Let us keep our hearts free to praise God, the Father of all.

Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB

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