Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


If someone asked you to design a program which would save a nation and advance the knowledge of God, what would it look like? Would it include jealous brothers conspiring to kill one of their own? Or how about sending twelve persons out with the command to teach and heal, but who had never practiced either one?

In our day, neither program would get very far, and rightfully so. To plan programs such as these and expect a good outcome is madness. But when God disposes what man proposes, good is possible.

The lesson to learn is that we always need to use the gifts that God has given us, as Joseph did in Egypt, even though our circumstances may not be ideal. However, we also need to remember that we are always dependent upon God no matter how talented we may be, like the twelve apostles. Trust in God is the compass that keeps us true.

Reflection by Br. Jacob Kubajak, OSB

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