Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent

Today's Mass Readings


Today’s liturgy compares Hannah and Mary. In the birth of their respective sons, the power of God is made manifest, inspiring each to raise her voice in praise of the Almighty. We heard Hannah’s canticle in today’s responsorial hymn and Mary’s Magnificat in the gospel.

There are differences between Hannah and Mary: the one distraught over her barrenness, the other not at all expecting to become pregnant. Just the same, both acknowledge the greatness of God in comparison to their own lowliness and praise God for turning things upside down. He accomplishes his salvation, not through the deeds of the mighty but by empowering the lowly.

We hear a lot these days from the high and mighty who draw attention to their greatness. In contrast, but hardly noticed, there are many good and faithful people who are doing far more to spread God’s love and goodness than the mighty self-promoters. Especially at this time of year, they give of their meager resources to alleviate the suffering of others and build a better world. They, like Hannah and Mary, remind us how God accomplishes his work by casting down the mighty and raising up the lowly.

Reflection by Abbot Benedict Neenan, OSB

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