Wednesday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


In times of suffering and lament, prayer becomes an essential lifeline that connects us with God and provides solace and hope amidst our struggles. It is through prayer that we find the strength to endure, the courage to face our challenges, and the grace to forgive and be forgiven.

The Book of Tobit offers a profound insight into the power of prayer and the transformative nature of mercy. Both Tobit and Sarah, in their respective experiences of suffering, offer prayers of deep humility and trust before Almighty God. Their words reveal a deep recognition of their own limitations and a surrendering of their burdens to the One who is able to bring healing and restoration.

In moments of suffering, it is easy to become overwhelmed by our pain and lose sight of God’s presence. Yet, Tobit and Sarah teach us that true humility lies in acknowledging our dependence on God and our need for His guidance and mercy. Their prayers demonstrate a profound trust in God’s providence, even when circumstances seem dire.

For Today: A prayer of humility that echoes that of Tobit and Sarah:

“Loving Father, in the midst of my suffering and lament, I humbly come before You, acknowledging my weakness and my need for Your strength. Grant me the courage to face today’s challenges and the patience to endure the trials that I bear. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Reflection by Br. Luke Kral, OSB

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