Wednesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


“As the crow flies” is an expression that denotes the shortest and most efficient path between two points. It is a route without wrong turns, dead ends, or detours. No traffic jams, checkpoints, or road rage. It is a direct path to one’s destination.

In today’s first reading, Noah has spent forty days on the ark wondering when he might reach his destination. One can wonder how many times Noah opened the hatch and let the bird out just to have it return. And what a relief it must have been to let the dove fly after those seven days of waiting and for it to find its home. Likewise, in today’s Gospel, we hear of the blind man opening his eyes to a world long forgotten. When his sight was restored, he was instructed by Jesus to go directly home.

How often do we find ourselves taking wrong turns in our spiritual lives? How many dead ends or traffic jams? What we are searching for is direction. A divine GPS to the Father. We read in the Gospels that Jesus is the way to the Father. Union with the father is our destination. When we recognize that he has given us the direct path to the Father, why would we fly back to the confines of the ark? Why would we close our eyes again or walk to the village? We wouldn’t. Rather we would run home to our Father. We find the safety of the branch.

Let us pray we always remain close to Christ. Let us pray that we walk with him to the Father. He has restored our sight. Let us always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Reflection by Nicholas, seminarian

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