Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

Today's Mass Readings


Mary pondered. She pondered and allowed her heart to move to a place of acceptance of God’s will. It’s often the case in life that we will experience things we do not understand, do not like, or cannot change. Every moment like this is an opportunity to ponder—which is to say, reflect in silence. In the silence, God seems to be able to work and lead us to peaceful acceptance. Fr. Jacques Philippe offers this excellent advice: “We should adopt the following rule of conduct: when a problem has robbed us of our peace, the most important thing is not to resolve the problem in the hope of regain¬ing our peace, but to regain a minimum of peacefulness, and then to see what we can do to face the problem” (Fire and Light, p. 80).

If it’s true that “nothing is impossible for God,” then Mary knew that she too could trust God wholeheartedly. Through her intercession and maternal help, we can trust God in a like manner. Make time for silence and give God the opportunity to work in your heart to bring you to a place of joyful acceptance.

Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB