Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


We believe that the bible is the sacred inspired Word of God. We also believe that God’s Word comes to us through human beings inspired to use their best writing styles and imagination to instruct and motivate the readers. Sometimes finding the message requires a certain amount of digging, patience, and prayer. I’m reminded of people using a metal detector to sift sand and debris and suddenly discover new and previously unseen treasures.

The first reading today from the Second Book of Kings seems to focus on just such a discovery. Can you imagine the high priest Hilkiah finding and handing a dusty old document to the scribe Shaphan, with the question: “What is it?” Lo and behold, it was an unknown document of the law! This was like a gift of God’s voice booming out in a new way. The King dutifully made sure that the people heard it by commanding them to gather in one place and listen closely to a public reading of the law so often neglected by past generations.

Fortunately, we don’t have to dig to find the treasures of today’s Gospel. Jesus clearly gives us words of wisdom which seem to jump off the page for us. In fact, it comes down to using common sense when identifying truth. How do we know the truth of a person, their values, their intentions, and what we can expect from them in the future? Jesus tells us to look for and dig for sometimes special. We must look for their actual fruit. Perhaps a hidden surprise?

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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